Confronting the Big Questions

Confronting the Big Questions

A new initiative launched by St Andrew’s Cathedral School in 2023 is a community seminar series called Big Questions. The aim is to stimulate parents, students and staff to think more deeply on some of the major topical issues facing our generation, while also utilising some of the vast expertise contained within our School community.

By Layla Harris and Melanie Collins.

Following discussions with students about the themes that are of deep relevance and importance to their lives, a range of potential topics were raised. One of these critical topics was around the environment, and more specifically, how can we be better stewards of our environment? This emerged as the ideal first topic for our Big Questions seminar. What’s more, two incredible resources within the School community – Pastor Ray Minniecon and Dr Andrew McGonigle – both have a wealth of expertise to offer insights in exploring the area of environmental protection and management. Thus, the event was born.

Pastor Ray is a prominent public voice on issues such as Indigenous rights and land rights, reconciliation and climate change, and was the co-founder of Gawura, our dedicated First Nations school. In 2021, he was one of the Australian representatives who presented at the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow (COP26).

Dr Andrew McGonigle is an award-winning volcanologist and inventor who understands the complex interplay of different environmental forces. His background as a physicist and educator gives him deep insights into the breakdown and natural processes occurring within our environment.

“Last year in Christian Development, we asked students what big issues they most wanted to discuss, and racism and the environment were at the top of their list,” Head of School Dr Julie McGonigle said. “When considering how to broach the topic, we realised we had some internal expertise that could facilitate this discussion.”

“The fascinating interplay of these two experts, who have very different life and education experiences, was too good an opportunity to miss. We thought we might be able to draw on insights into Aboriginal stewardship of the land as well as a scientific perspective on climate change to highlight some of the different approaches to the problem.”

From the outset, both Pastor Ray, who has a busy schedule of speaking and consultative engagements around the country, and Dr Andrew McGonigle, who teaches International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Physics, while also working on developing a scientific environmental data instrument for NASA, were keen to be involved.

“The fascinating interplay of these two experts, who have very different life and education experiences, was too good an opportunity to miss.”

Dr Julie McGonigle, Head of School

“We’re on a bus with no brakes and we don’t even have access to the steering wheel,” said Gawura co-founder, Pastor Ray Minniecon, an Aboriginal Elder and Australian representative at COP26. “Reconciliation is not only with each other, our past, our stories and our history, but there is also reconciliation to address with our environment and our creator.”  

– Pastor Ray Minniecon

It was decided that a ‘chat show’ Q&A format, with a knowledgeable facilitator, where both Aboriginal and scientific perspectives could be explored, would be the most engaging approach for audiences.

The evening was divided into four segments, with the first providing a fascinating window into the life experience and passions of Pastor Ray and Dr Andrew McGonigle. Andrew said from a young age he was interested in understanding how the universe worked, and found it extraordinary that science could explain much of what we observe.

The second segment examined what environmental damage exists in Australia and across the world, and what events and evidence point to wholesale climate change happening.

The third segment asked the big question: how we can be better stewards of our environment, and discussed the importance of stewardship, rather than ownership. “In Indigenous culture, there is no concept of ownership of land – it is always a shared responsibility and respect for the land, ensuring it is sustainably managed,” Pastor Ray explained.

The final segment looked at how we can use science and technology to solve problems and how Indigenous wisdom on managing and conserving the environment could inform governments and councils.

At the end of the evening, the comments from audience members clearly pointed to a highly stimulating and successful event.

Watch the highlights from our ‘Big Questions’ seminar

Fabulous feedback

Head of Science, Ms Melinda Mestre said, “It is our responsibility as educators to develop the next generation who look after Country using the vast knowledge that our First Nations peoples hold. As Pastor Ray mentioned, our future success in dealing with climate change lies with the authority of our young.”

Mr Matthew Noble, an Old Andrean and teacher at the School said, “It was a great event and I am glad I came. I loved that it was able to harness the compassion and curiosity of our school into action and hope for such a big issue.”

“It is our responsibility as educators to develop the next generation who look after Country using the vast knowledge that our First Nations peoples hold. As Pastor Ray mentioned, our future success in dealing with climate change lies with the authority of our young.”

Ms Melinda Mestre, Head of Science

Year 10 student Jamie explained, “I thought tonight was very powerful, there were a lot of powerful statements. It is so helpful to see people from our community in a tangible way, it’s inspirational.”

Aboriginal Studies and Humanities Teacher Ms Belinda Jarvis said, “It was enlightening. I enjoyed that the event was not a debate on whether climate change exists or whose opinion is most correct; it was just a genuine exploration of different perspectives.”

“Pastor Ray and Dr Andrew McGonigle were the perfect blend – of science, nature, respect and care for each other, us and our planet… It was deep yet uplifting, serious yet inspiring.”

Ms Susan Bannister, Parent

Year 10 student Julia, said, “I thought it was a really interesting insight into different perspectives on the issue of climate change and how we can tackle it using technology and information from First Nations peoples.”

Susan, a parent of the school who attended the event said, “Pastor Ray and Dr Andrew McGonigle were the perfect blend – of science, nature, respect and care for each other, us and our planet… It was deep yet uplifting, serious yet inspiring.”

Why a series of ‘Big Questions’?

“What can you do with what is in your hand? What do you have access to in school and your home? New technologies do not have to be the result of billion-dollar investments, they can come from everyday materials that you use in your classrooms.”

– Andrew McGonigle

Supporting the School’s vision to “inspire students to be passionate, creative learners who engage with the message of Christ and fully develop their gifts and abilities in order to serve in the world,” this series showcases the School as one that “develops resilient change-makers.” 

Big Questions aims to provide the School community with an opportunity to hear from guests with expertise in topical issues that impact our world. The Q&A format encourages dynamic and interesting conversations, allowing a depth of discussion and engagement with the audience that leads to a shared sense of responsibility and collaboration.

Meet our guest speakers

Pastor Ray Minniecon, who represented Australia’s First Nations community at COP26, is one of two experts who addressed some of the big questions around environmental stewardship at the inaugural Big Questions seminar.

Dr Andrew McGonigle joined Pastor Ray at the seminar, he is an award-winning volcanologist and inventor who understands the complex interplay of different environmental forces.